
Poker 3 Of A Kind Vs Straight


Three-of-a-Kind is sixth on the list of poker hand rankings. It consists of 3 cards of the same rank or denomination.

The words “Three of a Kind” should immediately have you thinking that it consists of some combination of 3 cards – this is what makes it a very easy hand to recognise. However, it can get a little confusing when it comes to distinguishing between a Set and Trips, which are both types of 3-of-a-Kind hands.

Let’s look at the definition of a Set and then what’s commonly referred to as Trips:

A Set is when you have a pair in your hand, like 99♣, matched with another 9 on the board.

Poker 3 of a kind beats straight has all the information you need to make a decision.Generally casinos will permit individuals to practice in free rooms before they participate in tables that play for cash.If all players but one have folded, that remaining player wins the pot. If you ever wanted to know some of the odds and probabilities of Texas hold'em poker, from the chances of flopping a flush (0.8%) or set (12%) to the odds of an overcard coming on the flop when. Straight Flush: A straight flush (five consecutive cards all of the same suit) beats four of a kind. Aces can be high or low. An ace-high straight flush is called a royal flush, the best possible hand in poker. ♣ Betting Variations. Texas Hold'em can be played in three basic variations. Three of a kind (three cards of matching face value, such as three 7's) does not beat a straight (five cards of any suit in sequential order) in poker. A straight hand will supersede a three of a kind in any potential scenario. Jun 11, 2006  The standard ranking of poker hands are: Royal flush: Five cards in sequence and of the same suit, starting from the Ace down to the 10. Example: A♠ K♠ Q♠ J♠ 10♠ (Note: A Royal Flush is not a category of hand in and of itself, it is simply the highest-valued straight.

Trips happen when there is a pair on the board, like 10105♠, and you hold another 10♣ in your starting hand.

Here are a few examples of 3-of-a-Kind hands:



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Poker 3 Of A Kind Vs Straight Man

When rating one 3-of-a-Kind hand over the next, it’s the hand rank or denomination that’s important. In that vein, the best 3-of-a-Kind hand is 3 Aces, whether that’s a Set of Aces or Trip Aces.


How Does a 3-of-a-Kind Hand Rank?

In a 52-card deck, there are 54,912 possible 3-of-a-Kind hand combinations and 858 distinct ranks of 3-of-a-Kind hands. Each Three-of-a-Kind is rated by its 3 cards of the same rank, then by rank of its first kicker and then the second kicker comes into play.

Here are a few more examples of 3-of-a-Kind hands:

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Can you tell which hand ranks highest?

Keep in mind that the suits are irrelevant and that the kickers determine which 3-of-a-Kind hand is best.

Poker 3 Of A Kind Vs Straight Look

How Does a 3-of-a-Kind Hand Match Up?

Three-of-a-Kind is the 6th best possible hand in the poker hand ranking system. The Straight ranks directly above it, with the best Straight being ace-high, also known as “Broadway”.

There are only 3 hands that rank beneath 3-of-a-Kind. The hand that ranks directly under a 3-of-a-Kind is Two Pair. The best Two Pair hand is Aces and Kings with a Queen kicker.

Hold'em Probabilities
Pre-flop:2.1128%(based on 5 cards randomly drawn from a full 52-card deck)
Flop:11.8%(when holding a pocket pair)
Turn:4.26%(when holding a pocket pair)
River:4.35%(when holding a pocket pair)
Pot Limit Omaha Probabilities
Pre-flop:2.1128%(based on 5 cards randomly drawn from a full 52-card deck)
Flop:12.59%(when holding a pocket pair)
21.37%(when holding a two pair)
Turn:4.44%(when holding a pocket pair)
8.89%(when holding a two pair)
River:4.55%(when holding a pocket pair)
9.09%(when holding a two pair)

Visit our three of a kind odds article for more information

Now that you’ve got Three-of-a-Kind all sorted, we’ll move on to the next hand on the list. It’s called Straight.